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Welcoming the New Arrivals – A Litter of Adorable Tiger Cubs (Video)

At a tiger sanctuary, the keepers were excited for the arrival of a new litter of cubs. The mother tiger, Tiana, had recently given birth and was proudly caring for her fluffy new babies. But with tiger cubs being so tiny and fragile, it was important for the staff to check on the newborn creatures and ensure they were healthy.

Slowly and carefully, while Tiana watched protectively nearby, one of the keepers was able to gently pickup each cub one by one to examine them. The dedicated staff weighed the cubs, took their temperature and checked for any injuries or abnormalities. Despite their mother’s worries, the lions seemed content to be held and oblivious to any potential danger as they were fully focused on nursing.

At only a few weeks old, the cubs were tiny but thriving. Their eyes were still closed and ears furled, and they fit perfectly in the keeper’s hands. With their fuzzy orange coats, little black stripes and delicate features, the cubs were irresistibly cute. It was easy to see why tiger cubs are so endangered in the wild – anyone would want to protect this precious new family.

The examination showed the cubs were in great health and growing strong under their mother’s care. Tiana could rest assured that her babies were safe and looked after by the sanctuary staff. As the cubs develop over coming weeks and months, the keepers will continue to monitor their progress. But for now, all are content and enjoying the miracle of new life in their tiger pride.

Click on the video below to witness the heartwarming scene of these tiny tiger babies entering the world. Their zest for life and play is sure to bring a smile:

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